ALL papers must be submitted online by March 15, 2025, 3:00 p.m. EST.
Please make sure you have reviewed the General Guidelines.
The general theme for the 2025 Business of Practice Sessions is “Sustainability from the Business Side.” Some potential topics are listed below, and practitioners with expertise or experience in these areas are encouraged to submit papers to be considered for presentation.
Please keep in mind that accepted papers are allotted a total speaking time of 20 minutes (15 minutes presentation time + 5 minutes questions). The following topic suggestions are intended to spark ideas that relate to the theme; however, we also welcome paper submissions on any topic pertaining to the Business of Practice.
Potential Topics:
- How to pay employees more and still be profitable
- Pricing strategies
- How to manage staff and clients
- Collaboration between veterinarians and technicians
- Collaboration with boundaries
- Managing inventory in new age
- Utilizing technology
- Communication through technology
- Practice management software usage
- Risks for privacy and malware
Failure to adhere to the following format will result in non-acceptance. It is the author’s responsibility to convince the Scientific Review & Editorial Committee (SREC) of the value of the submission, as well as to portray to the reader the contents of the presentation. You may request examples of previously accepted Business papers from
Business papers should be formatted as described in the General Guidelines and should be no fewer than 600 words, with no maximum word limit.
Headings should include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Paper Title
- Take Home Message
- Introduction
- Solution
- Results
- Discussion
- Acknowledgments
- Declaration of Ethics
- Conflicts of Interest
iii Funding/Material/Technical Support
- References
The title should clearly identify the topic that will be presented.
Example: Breaking the Silence: Disclosing Medical Errors
This should be a concise summary of the main conclusion and should be no longer than two or three sentences (approximately 50 words)
Example: In circumstances where a medical error results in an adverse outcome, a thoughtful response on the part of the veterinarian, staff, and practice is required. This paper will review communication techniques for constructively responding to these difficult situations.
Significant published work should be acknowledged here. A clear statement of the business challenge, or the objective or purpose of the submission, should be included. The statement of objectives is usually found in the last sentence of the Introduction.
A description of a single or multiple business solutions are explained in detail.
Any results should be presented in this section. If the data can be well represented with a table or figures, these are encouraged.
Important findings documented in the solution or results of the study should be stated. Solutions or results can be related to other work that has been done and how the results differ. The practical take home message for the equine practitioner should be clearly defined and stated in the summarizing final statement. This statement may be longer but should be similar in content to the take home message at the beginning of the paper.
- Declaration of Ethics
- Conflicts of Interest
iii. Funding/Material/Technical Support
Full instructions for Acknowledgments can be found in the General Guidelines.
References should conform to JAVMA’s guidelines.
Full instructions for References can be found in the General Guidelines.
References to published works should be limited to what is relevant and necessary. Number references in the text with superscript numbers consecutively in the order in which they are first cited. Under references, list all authors when there are three or fewer; list only the first three and add “et al.” when there are four or more. The author is responsible for the formatting and accuracy of all reference citations. Since readers frequently depend upon the reference citations to guide them in further reading, it is imperative that the citations are correct so that libraries can locate the papers a reader may wish to obtain.