ALL papers must be submitted online before March 15, 2025 before 3:00 pm EST. 




Please make sure you have reviewed the General Guidelines.

“How to” are limited to 15 minutes each plus 5 minutes for Q&A and are presented to describe and explain a technique or procedure used in veterinary medicine or the equine industry. The technique should be relatively new or not widely understood or used in practice. There is no required word limit  for “how to” papers.

“How to” papers should be formatted as described in the General Guidelines and should be no fewer than 600 words.

Headings should include (but are not limited to) the following:

  1. Paper Title
  2. Take Home Message
  3. Introduction
  4. Materials and Methods
  5. Results
  6. Discussion
  7. Acknowledgments
  8.   Declaration of Ethics
  9. Conflicts of Interest

iii. Funding/Material/Technical Support

  1. References



The title should begin with ‘How to’ and clearly identify the technique or procedure that will be presented.

Example: How to Obtain Diagnostic Dental Radiographs


This should be a concise summary of the main conclusion and should be no longer than two or three sentences (approximately 50 words)


This paper will help practitioners improve their skills in dental radiography, which will improve recognition of radiographic signs of dental and paradental pathology.


The rationale for the submission should be given briefly and significant published work acknowledged here. The clinical significance should also be included, as well as a clear statement of the objective or purpose of the submission. The statement of objectives is usually found in the last sentence of the Introduction.


The Materials and Methods section should explain exactly how the technique is performed so that another veterinarian familiar with the subject area could follow your example. You may use a step-by-step method for the paper and the presentation. All medications, supplies, and equipment used should be described using generic names. Trade names and addresses of commercial products critical to the technique can be included in footnotes.


The Results section should include a summary of what happens when you use this technique.  The number of horses treated in this manner and an assessment of the outcome should be included. You may use personal assertions or data to assert its value, but you must explain how you determined that the technique works.


In the Discussion section, you can give your personal views as to why you think the technique works. Discuss the pros and cons of your approach. Explain how the technique has helped you in your practice and why this should be important to your colleagues. The end of the discussion should contain a summary of the technique and its advantages in the take home message. Case selection, case study number, and case follow-up should all be included.


  1. Declaration of Ethics
  2. Conflicts of Interest

iii. Funding/Material/Technical Support


References should conform to JAVMA’s guidelines.

References to published works should be limited to what is relevant and necessary. Number references in the text with superscript numbers consecutively in the order in which they are first cited. Under references, list all authors when there are three or fewer; list only the first three and add “et al.” when there are four or more. The author is responsible for the formatting and accuracy of all reference citations. Since readers frequently depend upon the reference citations to guide them in further reading, it is imperative that the citations are correct so that libraries can locate the papers a reader may wish to obtain.